Motorsports & Automotive Events In or Near Utah
Automotive and motorsports events slow way down in November. Still, there are a few things going on.
(1) If there are non-recurring events missing from this list, please email and let us know what should be added.
(2) and are good sources of detailed information on recurring events including car shows, cruises, etc.
(3) Events are listed as scheduled by organizers. Late schedule changes may not be reflected.
(4) Acronyms:
DMS = Diamond Mountain Speedway, near Vernal, UT
DMD = Diamond Mountain Dragway, near Vernal, UT
DTR = Desert Thunder Raceway, near Price, UT
GJMS = Grand Junction Motor Speedway, CO
IRPCA = Intermountain Region Porsche Club of America
HPDE = High Performance Driver Event training
MRAN = Motorcycle Racing Association of Nevada
MCR = Millard County Raceway, near Delta, UT
NASA = National Auto Sport Association
SCCA = Sports Car Club of America
SHR = South Hills Raceway, near Twin Falls, ID
UMC = Utah Motorsports Campus, near Grantsville, UT
UMORA = Utah Motorcycle Off-Road Racing Association
USBA = Utah Sport Bike Association
(5) Color coding:
Red = primarily competitive event
Blue = primarily participation event
Green = primarily spectator event

Date, Event, Location
Nov 2nd, Sand Hollow Resort Charity Car Show, Hurricane
Nov 2nd, Dixie Technical College Hoodfest Fundraiser Car Show, St. George
Nov 3rd, Utah SCCA Autocross, UMC
Nov 9th, Sugarloafers/UMORA Hare Scramble Motorcycle Desert Race, Lyndyll
Nov 9th, Veterans Day Car Show, Ivins
Nov 16th, Salt City Drift, UMC
Nov 23rd, Grassroots Off-road Moto Oasis Grand Prix, Mesquite, NV
Nov 27th – 30th, Grassroots MX Thanksgiving Classic AMA Championships, Mesquite, NV
Nov 30th, Rick Massey Memorial Toys for Tots Car Show, St George